RADIUS will no longer start!

Michelle Gates michelle at trustive.com
Wed Jan 24 16:02:01 CET 2007


Our RADIUS server has been up and running fine for 127 days now. Suddenly
today it no longer runs. I tried to put it into debug mode and got the
following output:


[root at RAD01 ~]# /opt/freeradius/sbin/radiusd -X
Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/trs_proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/trs_clients.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/sqlcounter.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/eap.conf
Config:   including file: /opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/sql.conf
 main: prefix = "/opt/freeradius"
 main: localstatedir = "/opt/freeradius/var"
 main: logdir = "/opt/freeradius/var/log/radius"
 main: libdir = "/opt/freeradius/lib"
 main: radacctdir = "/opt/freeradius/var/log/radius/radacct"
 main: hostname_lookups = no
 main: max_request_time = 30
 main: cleanup_delay = 5
 main: max_requests = 1024
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 0
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_file = "/opt/freeradius/var/log/radius/radius.log"
 main: log_auth = yes
 main: log_auth_badpass = yes
 main: log_auth_goodpass = no
 main: pidfile = "/opt/freeradius/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
 main: user = "trustive"
 main: group = "trustive"
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = "no"
 main: lower_pass = "no"
 main: nospace_user = "no"
 main: nospace_pass = "no"
 main: checkrad = "/opt/freeradius/sbin/checkrad"
 main: proxy_requests = yes
 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = yes
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 proxy: post_proxy_authorize = no
 proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 security: max_attributes = 200
 security: reject_delay = 1
 security: status_server = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
Using deprecated naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading clients
/opt/freeradius/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf[751]: Missing client name


Can anyone shed any light on this? Unfortunately for me, one of our
developers was working on our production server but *claims* not to have
changed anything of any consequence...

I'm really unsure of where this is coming from! Has anyone seen this error
before or could anyone at least point me in the right direction?

Best regards,


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