FR + AD host/ machine/ workstation authentication

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Fri Jul 6 09:50:15 CEST 2007


> This url here looks like what I need
> but their
> instructions are pretty lousy "For machine-based authentication or
> user based authentication, modify the RADIUSD.CONF file by adding the
> following lines:" doesnt say where or what section to add said lines
> to and we all know how touchy the radiusd.conf file is.

those parts can go pretty much anywhere in the main config file - eg
stick them at the end of the file. 

from what I can see of the log the NTLM is working fine - the NTKEY
reply matched and its all okay. which leaves me to assume that a 
config on the client isnt correct - is the machine configured to validate
the RADIUS server and does it have the correct 'tick' for the certificate
and host name for the server to validate?


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