Freeradius 2.0 - vmps feature, accuracies on FreeNAC

Thomas Dagonnier dago158 at
Thu Jul 12 16:05:37 CEST 2007

On 11/07/07, Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
>  Thomas Dagonnier wrote:
> > Would you agree to close that part of the discussion ?
>   Fine.
> > sorry, this was a late email and I forgot important details like had in
> > mind "with additionnal (NAC) features" and the "for windows" is implied
> > by the vast majority of windows-based computers.
>   wpa_supplicant works on Windows.  It's already been accepted into
> nearly all Linux & BSD distributions, too.

and it implemented TNC end of last month (oops, that was already 2 months ago).
and I guess opensea will come in 1 month (according to their timeframe).

I was just saying that 802.1x TNC (or NAC) capable supplicant were
more important than applets - IMHO

> Notice how the OpenSEA announcement included a quote from me, and mentioning FreeRADIUS?

yes, I noticed - but are you taking an active role there
or just supporting by helping with freeradius (as a reference,
std-based radius server) ?

>  > so there's no plan, but a properly formatted, cleaned version would find
> > its place ?
>   As always, patches are welcome.
> > Would you be open to implement Microsoft's IF-TNCCS-SOH in that context ?
>   If someone sends a patch, yes.  I'm too busy to do the work myself.

Ok. I guess it may have something to do with that 2.0 thing (not web
2.0 - hopefully).

thanks for answering,


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