Quirky question about rewriting usernames

tnt at kalik.co.yu tnt at kalik.co.yu
Thu Jul 19 20:30:15 CEST 2007

Use regular expressions:


Check for @ or that it doesn't end with @domain.com or whatever you

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 19/7/2007, "Cliff Cole" <clifflcole at gmail.com> piše:

>Once again.  I am backwards on my wording, I am so sorry.  This should
>be correct.
>IF the username does have @domain.com and NAS = "NAS A"
>THEN continue with username as is
>IF the username does not have @domain.com and NAS = "NAS A"
>THEN append the @domain.com
>I have been trying the hints file.  I'm able to append @domain.com but
>do not know how to check for @domain.com and continue if the
>@domain.com is present.
>Here is what I have in my hints file.
>DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address == ""
>        User-Name := "%{User-Name}@domainname.com"
>This part works great and hopefully I'm FINALLY clear on what I'm
>trying to accomplish.
>On 7/19/07, tnt at kalik.co.yu <tnt at kalik.co.yu> wrote:
>> How about the other way around:
>> IF the username does not have @domain.com and NAS = "NAS A"
>> THEN continue with username as is
>> IF the username has @domain.com and NAS = "NAS A"
>> THEN strip @domain.com
>> That works by default. If you want to keep it the other way around have a
>> look at the hints file.
>> Ivan Kalik
>> Kalik Informatika ISP
>> Dana 19/7/2007, "Cliff Cole" <clifflcole at gmail.com> pi�e:
>> >Thanks for the reply.  I'm new to free radius and have been
>> >overwhelmed with documentation the past few days.  Let me explain in
>> >some logic and maybe I can make some sense as to what I'm trying to
>> >do.
>> >
>> >User authentication comes from "NAS A"
>> >
>> >IF the username does not have @domain.com and NAS = "NAS A"
>> >THEN append @domain.com
>> >
>> >IF the username has @domain.com and NAS = "NAS A"
>> >THEN continue with username as is.
>> >
>> >Hope this helps to clear up what I'm trying to do.  I appologize for
>> >not being very clear.
>> >
>> >Thanks
>> >
>> >Cliff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >On 7/19/07, Pshem Kowalczyk <pshem.k at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Hi
>> >>
>> >> On 19/07/07, Cliff Cole <clifflcole at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > Hello all.
>> >> >
>> >> > Here is my issue.  This is very weird and would only affect one NAS.
>> >> > I'm not sure freeradius is capable of this.  I want a username that
>> >> > comes in to check for an @domainname.  If the domainname is there I
>> >> > want it to be stripped and added back later.  If the domainname is not
>> >> > there I'd like it to continue and have to domainname added later in
>> >> > the authentication process.  I hope this makes sense and any help is
>> >> > appreciated
>> >>
>> >> What do you mean by 'later' you can definitely check for the presence
>> >> of domain, you can strip  it and add it again. you just have to define
>> >> the flow. rlm_attr will be of help to you (for both stripping and
>> >> adding).
>> >>
>> >> kind regards
>> >> Pshem
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