Run 2 FreeRadius simultanously

Alan Dekok aland at
Thu Jun 14 17:22:22 CEST 2007

Alan Dekok wrote:
>   Another thing for 2.0.0 (maybe) is to have per-socket configuration.
> i.e. socket X can have authorization section X, and socket Y can have
> authorization section Y.
>   It may not be too hard to add, in fact.

  Yup.  300 lines of code.

  The "listener" sections already had an undocumented "identity" entry.
 It's now used:

listen {
	ipaddr = ...
	type = ...
	identity = foo

identity foo {
	authorize {
	authenticate {

  if the "identity foo" section exists, then the authorize /
authenticate / etc. sections in it are used, in preference to the ones
not wrapped in "identity".

  This means that each port that the server is listening on can have
completely independent authorize / etc. rules.

  The "listen" sections currently support per-socket clients via a hack.
 Those will be moved into the "identity" section, too.

  Alan DeKok.
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