Off-topic: DHCP server with radius support

Eshun Benjamin bkeshun at
Fri Jun 22 14:27:24 CEST 2007

RADIUS was *originally* intented to assign IP's.  It's been doing that
since at least 1993.

Do you mean radius servers has being doing DHCP since 1993 or  IP pool stuff. What is is the difference?

>> No i meant exactly what i wrote. RADIUS can assign IP's (that's why we
>> have the rlm_pool/rlm_sqlpool modules and the Framed-IP-Address
>> attribute). I need to forward some information to home radius servers
>> first and based on their response decide on the ip pool to give out
>> IP's. 

 ISC DHCP supports scripts?  News to me...

>> request can be transformed to an Acesss-Request (with some default
>> password), forwarded to a RADIUS server and the IP assigned by the
>> radius server returned back to the user.

Do you want to do that or 

"That RFC actually describes the opposite of what we are talking about. (ie. 
How a RADIUS server can ask a DHCP server to assign an IP instead of how a 
DHCP server can ask a RADIUS server to assign an IP) "

Benjamin K. Eshun

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Alan DeKok <aland at>
À : FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at>
Envoyé le : Jeudi, 21 Juin 2007, 10h44mn 24s
Objet : Re: Re : Off-topic: DHCP server with radius support

Eshun Benjamin wrote:
> A radius server assigning IPs  .......that is not radius (!) .

  RADIUS was *originally* intented to assign IP's.  It's been doing that
since at least 1993.

> May be
> you mean the radius server authenticating (MACs and/or IPs) before the
> dhcp assigns it; this you have to configure and write your own scripts
> on the dhcp server to authenticate against the radius. Radius is for AAA

  ISC DHCP supports scripts?  News to me...

  Alan DeKok.
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