EAP/TLS ,after access-challenge nothing happen

Giovanni Lovato giovanni.lovato at aldu.net
Sat Jun 23 15:21:42 CEST 2007

tnt at kalik.co.yu ha scritto:
> http://wiki.freeradius.org/index.php/FAQ#PEAP_or_EAP-TLS_Doesn.27t_Work_with_a_Windows_machine
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> Dana 22/6/2007, "stefek143" <stefek143 at wp.pl> piše:
>> Hi
>> I have a little problem with authenticate using EAP/TLS on freeradius. 
>> After Access Challenge freeradius not display Reject or Accept, only 
>> going to the begin and repeat the same operation. What`s wrong ?? as NAS 
>> i`m using CISCO catalyst 2950 and client supplicant WinXP.
I'm affected by the same issue, following FAQ hints didn't help me.
I signed server cerficate using:

#  openssl ca  -policy policy_anything  -out certs/radius-cert.pem  
-extensions xpserver_ext -extfile xpextensions -infiles reqs/radius-req.pem

but Windows stills silently failing authentication.

Giovanni Lovato
giovanni.lovato at aldu.net

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