Altering the RADIUS dictionary files...

liran tal liransgarage at
Wed Jun 27 13:21:42 CEST 2007

Hey everyone,

I attempted at first to post this issue in openser's mailing list but have
to get a reply and thus I am trying in freeradius's as I hope there are
people here
with similar experience.

OpenSER is a SIP Proxy tool and I integrated it to send accounting records
to a freeradius
deployed server. To do that I had to patch a source copy of freeradius and
provide both the
radius server and client the appropriate dictionary files.

What I would like is the ability to extend the formal SIP ATTRIBUTES with my
own set.
And so, I tried adding myself some custom attributes to both dictionary
files, the one on the
freeradius server and the other on openser's radiusclient-ng server and
tried for example this:

ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Src-IP              900 string
ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Src-Port            901    string
ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Hdr-Contact         902    string
ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Hdr-UA              903    string
ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Hdr-From            904    string
ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Hdr-Media           905    string

But this fails to work, openser/radiusclient-ng is sending accounting
records still but specifically
without the above attributes even when they are defined in both server and
client's dictionary.sip files.

My question is why, and how is it possible to do that?
And the second question, is there a more extensive dictionary.sip file?

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