Hints File and Users file and I am lost

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Jun 28 09:03:30 CEST 2007

Jeff wrote:
> I am trying to get  a default profile to work
> I can't put on in the users file cause the billling program auto creates
> a file, and its the culprit

  Then post-process the file to fix it.

> well it turns out the billing program sends the info wrong it just
> not  chageable at the billing software
> Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip in forward tcp est",  ---> note no + as +=
> And of course without the += when its sent out to the nas its only
> seeing the 1st line and doesn't read the rest
> of the filters
> So I need to come up with a way add that info at the radius level

  You can't.  You have to re-write the file.

> I have played with the hints file but i am not sure thats my answer,

  It's not.

> Heres the hints file entry

  The "hints" file re-writes the *request*.  This is documented.  The
Ascend-Data-Filters go into the *reply*.

> Heres the entry for the users.txt file
> joe    "test"
>          Hint = "test",
>          Fall-Through = no

 That is *not* the correct format for a "users" file entry.  See "man
users", and read the examples in the "users" file for how to use "Hint"

  Alan DeKok.

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