load balancing problem

EXT / GFI REBOLJ Jean-Pierre ext.gfi.rebolj at sncf.fr
Fri Jun 29 11:17:21 CEST 2007

i've a proxy  with freeradius 1.1.6 in load balacing with two back-end
radius 1.1.6

my proxy is configured like this
realm APPLI1 {
       type            = radius
       authhost        = xx.xx.xx.xx:1820
       accthost        = xx.xx.xx.xx:1821
       ldflag          = round_robin
       secret          = mysecret

# Server Canna PROD Accellio GPRS de Test avec Realm
realm APPLI1 {
       type            = radius
       authhost        = yy.yy.yy.yy:1820
       accthost        = yy.yy.yy.yy:1821
       ldflag          = round_robin
       secret          = mysecret

I see the Authentication request and response then  Accounting start an
some hours  later accounting stop on the proxy

the problem is that I see the Authentication request and response then
Accounting start on the fisrt back-end server and the accounting  stop
on the second backend server.
is this a bug or a problem of configuration ?

thanks in advance.

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