Ascend-Data-Filter Issues

Jeff jeffa at
Sat Jun 30 14:42:14 CEST 2007

Actually the best answer for me if I were alittle stronger in mysql to create the import query would be  
a script that I could run to convert the users and import them into the radius database  
when our billing software adds removes locks accounts, then dealing with the filters, etc.  
That way billing program creates file, query imports to sql, radius operates through the sql end and not users file  
I have seen the one in the source, users2mysql just not sure its actually the correct format to import usersfor what i need.  I was thinking del all imported items when a new users file is ready for import then repopulate with the import query the new.  
Then auths, etc would be handled through the sql end where the control is alot easier and appears more effective  
And I could be running things as freeradius is designed to run.  
Thus my stuff adapts to the workiing model, instead of me trying to change a working model to mine.  

  From: Alan DeKok [mailto:aland at]
To: FreeRadius users mailing list [mailto:freeradius-users at]
Sent: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:26:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Ascend-Data-Filter Issues

Jeff wrote:
> My software issues the Ascend-Data-Filter as such to the users file

As you've noted before. The answer won't change.

> I have noticed to get the Ascend-Data-Filter to read th other filters to
> the next line it needs the += or its stops on the 1st one.

The documentation describes this behavior, and explains it.

> Which is out of context with other radius servers I am dealing with

Different products. Different behaviors. If this is a problem,
please call Ford, and ask them why their cars don't look the same as
GM's cars.

> Is it possible to get freeradius to read each line and keep the syntax
> as the = instead of +=

Sure. Patch the source code. That's why source is included.

> If I could do as such as the format as my other servers would help me
> trmendously.
> I actually though the standard was = instead of +=

There is no standard for the "users" file. None.

FreeRADIUS (and Cistron before it) have been doing it this way for
nearly 10 years now. Any software that can't produce "users" file
entries for FreeRADIUS is broken. The manufacturers have chosen to not
support the most popular and widely used RADIUS server on the planet.

Alan DeKok.
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