How to fetch triplets from HLR?

lishuai zhao lishuai.zhao at
Tue Mar 6 10:30:11 CET 2007

Hi, all:
    Several EAP types are supported by freeradius including SIM and
AKA with a patch.
    In case of EAP-SIM, the rlm_eap_sim module can calculate tripelets
itself, and also can obtain triplets from an exist file by using
rlm_sim_file module. The rlm_sim_module reads triplets from the file
named simtriplets.dat.

   (1) I believe that triplets can also be obtains from a external
palce, am I right?

   (2) If I want to fetch triplets from a HLR of GSM network, how
could I do? Wether I need to add a module like rlm_sim_file? How to
add such a module?

   (3) Does this module exist? Some one using EAP-AKA is also prefered!

    Thank you!

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