Redundant SQL servers accounting problem, FreeRadius 1.1.4

Alexander V. Klepikov klepikov_a at
Wed Mar 21 13:36:29 CET 2007

Hello, Nicolas!
You wrote  on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:37:03 +0100:

NB> It seems to me this is the real cause of the problem: pg_sock->conn
NB> becomes
NB> an invalid pointer. The libpq manpage says the PGconn pointer should
NB> not be
NB> used after PQfinish has been called.

NB> Please try the following patch:

[Sorry, skipped]

Yes, it solves the problem. Thank you! Very simple solution! But according 
to Alan it looks like we have discovered a real problem...

With best regards, Alexander V. Klepikov.  E-mail: klepikov_a at 

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