Is anyone using dialup_admin with a PHP version newer than 4.2.0?

Muenz, Michael m.muenz at
Wed Mar 28 09:34:56 CEST 2007

>> Hi, all,
>> This is a refinement of my earlier request for information, honed
>> after half a week of trying to untangle things.
>> I've been grubbing through all the code for dialup_admin 1.80 (from
>> the 20070320 CVS snapshot) and am entirely unconvinced that it works
>> with version of PHP newer than 4.2.0.  I'm using PHP 4.3.0, since
>> that's what comes with RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.   I've turned on
>> register_globals, but I can't get the dialup_admin code to stop
>> throwing warnings about variable names, etc.


> Well as you probably have seen config.php3 will call 
> import_request_variables('GPC') so you should not normally have problems 
> with variables like $login.
> I have dialupadmin running on php-5.0.3 without a problem.

I have a working setup from 4.4.0 - 4.4.6. PHP is configured with:
./configure  --with-apxs2=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs \
--disable-cgi --with-gettext --with-pear \

Perhaps a comparison between our phpinfo() outputs would help?


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