How to configure multiple LDAPs with different DN's ?

Eric Martell workoutexcite at
Fri May 4 21:38:59 CEST 2007

  We are trying to use LDAP group for authentication
and authorization.

Ldap1 => baseDN = "dc=user,dc=net,o=internet"
This Ldap1 will have users and passwords store in it
along with profile. 

Ldap2 => baseDN = "dc=role,dc=system,o=internet"
This Ldap2 will have only users and associated roles.
No passwords will be store in Ldap2.

While accessing the service, Radius should check if
the user/password matches in Ldap1. If its fine, check
on Ldap2 which has different baseDN to see if the role
for that user validated. If both conditions satisfies,
permits the user to access the service.

I am not sure how to configured this. Please kindly
help in changing radiusd.conf and users file.

Thanks so much in advance. 


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