2.0.0-pre1 - cannot build on FreeBSD

Nicolas Baradakis nbk at sitadelle.com
Mon May 28 22:53:45 CEST 2007

David Wood wrote:

> As an aside, FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p4 i386, which is the OS on my 
> development box, finishes up with #define GETHOSTBYNAMERSTYLE GNUSTYLE 
> in confdefs.h - so there won't be a similar problem with redefining 
> gethostbyname_r on FreeBSD - but there may be on other operating 
> systems.

This should be fixed in CVS, but unfortunately after the release
of 2.0.0-pre1. I think the problem you describe is the same as
bug #454 in the bugzilla.


Nicolas Baradakis

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