error with dictionary definition.

Live Great livegreat007 at
Tue Oct 2 08:36:22 CEST 2007


I really need help to solve this error. I have been working on it for
few days, and still can't get it working. I am using the following
packages in freebsd(6.2) sip server:

core:radiusclient-ng # ps -auxww | grep openser

root  46008  0.0  0.1  1548  1008  p5  R+    1:41PM   0:00.00 grep openser

core:radiusclient-ng # pkg_info | grep openser

openser-1.2.2       A very fast and configurable SIP proxy with TLS support

core:radiusclient-ng # pkg_info | grep radius

freeradius-mysql-1.1.7 A free RADIUS server implementation with MySQL support

radiusclient-0.5.6  Client library and basic utilities for Radius authenticated

core:radiusclient-ng # pkg_info | grep proxy

mediaproxy-1.8.2_1  A far-end NAT traversal solution for SER/OpenSER

The problem is after merged the 2 dictionary files (cat
dictionary.sip >> dictionary) and added the following lines in
the radiusclient-ng/dictionary file,

ATTRIBUTE    Acct-Status-Type        40      integer

ATTRIBUTE    Service-Type            6       integer

ATTRIBUTE    Event-Timestamp         55      integer

ATTRIBUTE    Acct-Session-Id         44      string

ATTRIBUTE     src_leg        1      integer

ATTRIBUTE    dst_leg        1       integer

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Start                   1

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Stop                    2

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Alive                   3   # dup

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Interim-Update          3

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Accounting-On           7

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Accounting-Off          8

VALUE   Acct-Status-Type                Failed                  15

VALUE Service-Type       Sip-Session      15

Start openser recevied the following error:

ERROR:acc:extra2int: <src_leg> is not a number

ERROR:acc:acc_diam_init: leg info names for DIAMTER must be integer AVP codes

Can anyone please help?


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