rlm_Python - PyExc_IOError

Mike O'Connor freeradius at pineview.net
Thu Oct 4 00:52:04 CEST 2007

Hi Alan

You are correct about it being an issue with time.so, because I just
removed this module from my test code and added the module random
instead and the freeradius loaded.


Alan DeKok wrote:
> Mike O'Connor wrote:
>> I decided to try freeradius-2.0.0-pre2 and its give a much clear idea of
>> the problem.
>> The issue seems to be that the rlm_python module is having trouble
>> loading dynamic code.
>   I suspect it's a shared library problem.  The time.so library depends
> on another one that contains PyExc_IOError.  However, that dependency is
> NOT recorded in time.so.  That dependency is also NOT built into
> FreeRADIUS (or rlm_python), as it as no idea which Python library
> depends on which other Python library.
>   I suggesting finding out out which library contains that symbol, and
> then re-building rlm_python to link to that library.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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