Simultaneous-Use and PEAP doesn't work correctly.

Marcotte, Tyler tmarcott at
Tue Oct 9 19:39:23 CEST 2007


I've configured Simultaneous-Use on my freeradius server and have it configured to use PEAP as an authentication method. Users can authenticate perfectly well, however when the Simultaneous-Use limit is exceeded, it only half works. The user is not allowed on, the PEAP message is set to FAILURE, but no Access-Reject is ever sent. I have also tried with md5 authentication and it works as expected. Unfortunately, md5 authentication is not an option. What I really need is for that Reject to be sent back after the user logs on too many times.

I've attached the radiusd -X output (radius.out chopped to the end), radiusd.conf, eap.conf, and users file. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've been searching the web for two full days now with no luck.

Thank you,

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