802.1x & kerberos
tnt at kalik.co.yu
tnt at kalik.co.yu
Thu Oct 11 20:28:06 CEST 2007
You should start another topic and add some more information: operating
system, kerberos version, does this happen every time or is it
unpredictable ...
Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP
Dana 11/10/2007, "Reynolds, Walter" <waltr at umich.edu> piše:
>We also have this working with the below settings. However in running
>ver 1.1.6 (maybe others) we have found that there is some sort of
>problem that will cause the Freeradius server to crash. This seems to
>be tied to request with incorrect passwords as notated by the following
>in the log:
>Thu Oct 11 10:01:03 2007 : Auth: rlm_krb5: [UserName] krb5_g_i_t_w_p
>failed: Decrypt integrity check failed
>Has anyone else seen this or have suggestions for me on this.
>> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:00:39 +0100
>> From: A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
>> Subject: Re: 802.1x & kerberos
>> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
>> <freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org>
>> Message-ID: <20071011140039.GA23584 at lboro.ac.uk>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Hi,
>> > It works w/o EAP. I can do a radtest with a valid userid and
>> password
>> > on the kerberos server and get authorized (and not get authorized
>> with
>> > bad information).
>> right
>> > I can get EAP-TTLS to work if I put a user and a password in the
>> radius
>> > users file but that's not what we want. We need the kerberos piece
>> to
>> > work. I'd be happy to send some config files along if that would
>> help.
>> > I feel like I'm missing something small that's so obvious no one
>> > thought to document it.
>> no. you dont need to use the users file for the userid/password.
>> you simply need to ensure that the krb5 module is in the Authorize
>> section and that you have PAP enabled...and that you are using
>> with PAP inner method.
>> so....your FR config needs at least the following configs...
>> radiusd.conf
>> in the authorize section
>> krb5 {
>> }
>> in the authenticate section (radiusd.conf for 1.1.x, sites-
>> enabled/default for 2.x)
>> Auth-Type krb5 {
>> krb5
>> }
>> you MAY configure krb5 in radiusd.... we havent found this actually
>> necessary(!)
>> # krb5 {
>> # keytab = /path/to/keytab
>> # service_principal = name_of_principle
>> # }
>> finally. if you are facing issues and you dont help with supplying
>> a log file then please ensure that your RADIUS request isnt being
>> b0rked
>> by something in the users file eg
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type = System
>> you can at least change this to....
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type = krb5
>> just for checking(!!)
>> alan
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