Error in accounting_stop_query when AcctSessionId is longer than 32characters like defined in the database.

Tomasz Zieleniewski tzieleniewski at
Fri Oct 12 14:13:10 CEST 2007


I am using radius 2.0.0-pre0.
I encountered following issue.
My NAS (radiusclient-ng) sends Accounting requests wich contains
AcctSessionId longer than defined in the database
which is 32 charaters. When Accounting-Request with Acct-Status-Type:Start
arrives to radius the stored record contains the cut parameter.
And when there comes the Accounting-Request with Acct-Status-Type:Stop the
comparison between AcctSessionId stored in the database always
gives negative result.
I think there are two solutions, one can increase the column size in the
database or change the accounting_stop_query.
I am using mysql database.

Wating for your feedback.

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