peap/eap tls authentication

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Fri Oct 12 21:10:49 CEST 2007


> I'm not familiar with freeradius yet. I read some HOWTOs and I do try to
> make wireless Windows XP talk to Radius server. I have an AP 1131. I
> have managed to make this configuration work with cisco ACS in the past,
> so AP part should be OK.

you're authenticating, or trying to, from the system passwd file. if this
is intentional then sorry, somethings wrong. if its accidental
then you need to edit your users file - remove the line that

DEFAULT Auth-Type := System

I also think that the first line or so should print out the version of
the FreeRADIUS being run as soo many people neglect to pass on those


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