Freeradius logging w/syslog

ballgyer at ballgyer at
Thu Oct 18 03:25:16 CEST 2007

Hi Alan,

Ok, seems the default install is dated that comes with CentOS 4.4...

I've upgraded to FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.7 now and logging seems to be  
working but I'd like to be able to get more usable data.
I nthe /etc/syslog.conf file I have this entry:

# .* will log all messages in the same log file
local1.*                                /var/log/radius/radius.log

 From the syslog server I see this data:
Oct 17 19:11:16 radius radiusd(pam_unix)[15776]: authentication  
failure; logname= uid=95 euid=95 tty= ruser= rhost=
Oct 17 19:12:06 radius radiusd(pam_unix)[15776]: authentication  
failure; logname= uid=95 euid=95 tty= ruser= rhost=
Oct 17 19:12:26 radius radiusd(pam_unix)[15776]: authentication  
failure; logname= uid=95 euid=95 tty= ruser= rhost=
Oct 17 19:13:52 radius radiusd(pam_unix)[15776]: authentication  
failure; logname= uid=95 euid=95 tty= ruser= rhost=

But I'd like to see the User_Name and Client_Name similar to what you  
in localhost:/var/log/radius/radius.log file.

Thanks again,

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