Adding users to the mySQL database

liran tal liransgarage at
Sat Oct 27 12:22:21 CEST 2007

There are web based applications that makes this job easy.
FreeRADIUS bundles with dialupadmin for that, or you can check an
alternative - daloRADIUS (


On 10/25/07, Doc. Caliban <doc.caliban at> wrote:
>  The db admin here is telling me that there as to be some standardized way
> of adding users to the database.  I don't know anything about SQL.  He is
> talking about the "ID" field or something like that.
>  What is the standard way of doing this?   We have an existing db of all of
> the user names and passwords, plus a lot of other stuff, that we can pull
> the user info from to populate the radius database, but he needs to know
> exactly how it has to be added.
>  Googling in the mean time...
>  -Doc
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