Configure warnings ... why ?

Pretty Woman redrose_w at
Mon Sep 3 14:32:56 CEST 2007

I dont want it to work with mysql but with MSSQL and I
installed, libiodbc-devel-3.52.2-1.i386.rpm and still
get that warning about iodbc...

Please tell me the absolute minimum packets that I
need to run Freeradius with a database.


--- A.L.M.Buxey at wrote:

> hi,
> if the configure stage is giving you WARNINGs
> regarding
> the options you want/need to use, then that suggests
> that you dont have the packages you need to have
> installed.
> this is a 'development'/'compilation' issue - which
> means 
> that you need to have the include headers, libraries
> etc of the packages you want - not just the
> runtime/binary
> parts - usually on Fedora-type systems you need to
> install
> the -devel part of the package...
> eg User 1 wants mysql support.  install mysql-devel
> eg User 2 wants snmp support - install
> net-snmp-devel etc
> alan
> -
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