sometimes double records in radacct

Nelson Serafica ntserafica at
Wed Sep 12 07:33:30 CEST 2007

I notice in my radacct that there are double records. See sample below:

| RadAcctId | AcctSessionId | AcctUniqueId     | UserName | AcctStartTime       | AcctStopTime        | ConnectInfo_start | AcctStartDelay |
|    531828 | 41002919      | a8003a3450fdcddc | glastec  | 2007-09-12 11:18:32 | 2007-09-12 11:20:14 |                   |              0 |
|    531826 | 41002919      | a8003a3450fdcddc | glastec  | 2007-09-12 11:18:33 | 2007-09-12 11:19:14 | 33333 LAPM/V42BIS |              0 |

I noticed that the difference (AcctStartTime,AcctStartDelay,ConnectInfo_start) are indicated in the accounting_start_query_alt parameters. 

If you will noticed, there are identical AcctSessionId which was supposed to be none and the difference between them is the one that is updated by accounting_start_query_alt. It must not be identical. The problem is there are identical AcctSessionId. 

Would it be possible that the culprit is in the accounting_start_query_alt parameters?  Is the accounting_start_query failing that's why accounting_start_query_alt take over? accounting_start_query is not broken and one line only. Is there a way to increase time before  accounting_start_query_alt takes over? 

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