Freeradius+Active directory - router login authentciation

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at
Wed Sep 12 19:13:35 CEST 2007

Quoting "Rakesh Jha" <rakesh at>:

> Using ntlm_auth I can test user authentication.

Are you saying that ntlm_auth tests work?

> When I do following - 
> radtest ActDirectUser ActDirectUserPassword 1812 testing123

As said before, output from 'freeradius -X' is necessary for
anyone to help...

       freeradius -X 2>&1 | tee /tmp/freeradius.log

Then look in the file /tmp/freeradius.log for something that
don't seem right (try figuring it out for yourself first before
asking for help - you will earn more respect/help that way).

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