Reply VSA Attributes in a list

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Sep 13 09:17:58 CEST 2007

Faqeer ALI wrote:
> i want to add the vp list in a VSA like following. (the way that
> NTRadping utility sends the vps)
>     ->vp
>    ->vp
>    ->vp

  If you want them in that format, then add them in that format.  The
server doesn't re-order VSAs.

  And you *are* aware that the VALUE_PAIR structure and lists are
independent from the attributes in the packet, right?

  Are you sure you understood my response?

> This problem is my bottle line for me and i have to do it, because the
> client's application knows the attributes that way.

  The client application is broken.  Fix it.

  Section 5:

   ... A RADIUS server or client MUST NOT have any dependencies
   on the order of attributes of different types. ...

> please guide me where and what are the code changes that i have to make,
> and what structure i have to follow.

  Fix the client program.  It is NOT following the RADIUS specification.

  FreeRADIUS is fine.  If you *do* want to fix FreeRADIUS, you have all
of the code in front of you.  There's even comments explaining what the
code does.

  If you have *specific* questions about FreeRADIUS, then ask them.
Otherwise, you're asking us to (essentially) implement the solution for you.

  Alan DeKok.

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