odd user authenticated...

Joe Vieira jvieira at clarku.edu
Wed Sep 19 14:01:04 CEST 2007

    Here is the run down on my set up.  RHEL5 64bit - freeradius 1.1.6, 
samba 3.0.23c-2, using peap(ms-chapv2)/ ntlm_auth for authentication and 
ldap for authorization.  so I have ntlm_auth configured and working 

everytime a specific user logs in, i see this directly after his login 

80986-Tue Sep 18 17:10:37 2007 : Auth: Login OK: [students\\USER/<no 
User-Password attribute>] (from client UNKNOWN-CLIENT port 0) <- user 
auth line.
80987:Tue Sep 18 17:10:37 2007 : Auth: Login OK: 
[RUN\\\305\355\277\255/<no User-Password attribute>] (from client wism2 
port 29 cli 00-1B-77-27-B2-48) <- freaky line

now, that looks like extended unicode to me in the username...obviously 
we don't have a user named that, or even a domain named 'RUN', moreover 
it doesn't seem like that "username" should even have been authorized 
thru the ldap rules....

Joe Vieira
UNIX Systems Administrator
Clark University - ITS

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