Controlling access to my Wireless network

Arjuna Scagnetto arjuna at
Wed Sep 19 15:34:34 CEST 2007

>> network, mac & xp.  I wouldn't mind using plain text passwords if that could
>> be forced.  The only configurations that get close to working get as far as
>> machapv2, then fail because of no nt/lm password.  If I could use the
>> password from my ldap connection which seems to be working nicely, then I
>> would be thrilled.  Could you give me the eap.conf that would do that?
>> Thanks a million
> it wouldnt be in your eap.conf for a start - if you want to use PEAP against
> your LDAP then you'll most likely need to put the NT hash of their password
> into your LDAP directory and point to that instead in your LDAP checks.
> a lot (a LOT) of people do this and are present on this list. if you want
> to use plain test password checks then EAP-TTLS with PAP inner is one
> of the only ways - but for that you'll need to install extra software
> on the WinXP machines

securew2 is free and enables winxp to recognize ttls-pap packets.

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