Exec-Program based on LDAP Attribute

John Wever jwever at integrity.com
Tue Sep 25 17:31:39 CEST 2007

I need to be able to fire off a script via the Exec-Program (or some 
other method) based upon a successful authentication and the value of an 
LDAP attribute on the user's account. I tried putting the following in 
the acct_users...

DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == Start, CustomAttrib == true
        Exec-Program = "/path/to/script.sh %u %{Framed-IP-Address} 

I've tried setting the ItemType of the CustomAttrib to checkItem and 
replyItem, but neither method worked. My script needs access to the 
username and the Framed-IP-Address.

Any suggestions?

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