Moved from Debian 4.0 to Fedora 8, now Radius (1.1.7) is broken.

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Tue Apr 1 08:03:03 CEST 2008


working config no longer works. but the same software packages installed?

..and from the log you posted...

> [pptp0] CHAP: rec'd RESPONSE #1
>  Name: "giobbi"
> [pptp0] AUTH: Auth-Thread started
> [pptp0] AUTH: Trying RADIUS
> [pptp0] RADIUS: RadiusAuthenticate for: giobbi
> [pptp0] RADIUS: rad_send_request failed: No valid RADIUS responses received
> [pptp0] AUTH: RADIUS returned undefined
> [pptp0] AUTH: Trying INTERNAL
> AUTH: User "giobbi" not found in secret file
> [pptp0] AUTH: INTERNAL returned failed
> [pptp0] AUTH: ran out of backends
> [pptp0] AUTH: Auth-Thread finished normally
> [pptp0] CHAP: ChapInputFinish: status failed
>  Reply message: E=691 R=0 M=Login incorrect

...not found?  something wrong there - I would suggest that since
all the RADIUS log looks fine, its the PPTP setup you havent copied
quite right

> So here's the problem, the firewall doesn't like the response it gets, 
> isn't valid for some reason. I'm using the exact same configs as in the 
> working Debian version (same radius, 1.1.7), so in theory these should work 
> just as fine in my Fedora setup right?

i would never assum that. Debian and Fedora and different beasts. Fedora
has all sorts of interesting differences to a typical Linux install.
not only more bleeding edge packages...and therefore needs a little
more care - but by default it will be running SELinux in enforcing mode.


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