copy-acct-to-home-server example. need help

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Apr 3 20:52:37 CEST 2008

Mikhail Novikov wrote:
>>   Uh... no.  That is an authentication request, not an accounting
>>  request.  The server does NOT read authentication requests from the
>>  "detail" file.
> I tried to send test requests by following command:
> $echo "User-Name=test,Password=pass,Framed-Protocol=PPP,Nas-Port-ID=11123
> " | radclient acct testing123

  That is not a valid accounting packet.

>>   You have a virtual server somewhere with only the "detail" module
>>  listed in the "accounting" section.  I have no idea why that one is
>>  being run rather than this one...
> I use sites-available/default file to configure other virtual server:
> authorize {
> }

  Really?  You have gone out of your way to destroy the default
configurations?  Why?

  Alan DeKok.

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