location of source files in windows freeradius

Nicolas Goutte nicolas.goutte at extragroup.de
Thu Apr 10 10:23:21 CEST 2008

Am 10.04.2008 um 05:17 schrieb <sanjeev.kumarroy at wipro.com>  
<sanjeev.kumarroy at wipro.com>:
> Hi,
> This link contains the exe for freeradius 1.1.7. I have already  
> installed that. But the problem for me is that I am not able to  
> locate the source files as was available in linux. Can you please  
> let me know where I can get the source files once the exe is  
> installed?

I do not think that the sources are installed at all. (Such a thing  
would be highly uncommon in the Windows world.)

As for where to find the exact corresponding source, sorry, I do not  
know. (Neither where any patches against the official source would be.)

Have a nice day!

> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: freeradius-users-bounces 
> +sanjeev.kumarroy=wipro.com at lists.freeradius.org [mailto:freeradius- 
> users-bounces+sanjeev.kumarroy=wipro.com at lists.freeradius.org] On  
> Behalf Of Ivan Kalik
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 6:07 PM
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> Subject: Re: location of source files in windows freeradius
> http://freeradius.net/
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> Dana 9/4/2008, "sanjeev.kumarroy at wipro.com"
> <sanjeev.kumarroy at wipro.com> piše:
>> Hi,
>> I tried installing freeradius 1.1.7 in windows XP machine. Here I  
>> am not
>> able to locate the source files as was available in Linux.
>> Can you please guide me by telling if the source file gets  
>> installed to
>> some particular directory in windows when we install the  
>> freeradius exe.
>> Or is there any website where I can get the source files.
>> Any help is highly appreciated.
>> Thanks
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Nicolas Goutte

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