postgres accounting schema

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Fri Apr 11 18:54:51 CEST 2008


I wonder how many of you have needed to change the
postgres schema for radacct table - the default
value of VARCHAR(32) for the AcctSessionId seems
to be very low - our user-names are often that long
by themselves! (domain and full path when using
machine auth for example)  I've submitted a patch
via the bugs system to put this up to something
safer. perhaps time that we all peer through the
current supplied values and what we are each using
after we've fixed things?  If others can start with
sane values (no matter if its MySQL, PostgresQL,
Orcale etc) then that can only be a good thing for
our community.  There was also talk about certain
indexes and procedures recently. 


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