radius user-password on the wire

John Dennis jdennis at redhat.com
Tue Apr 29 16:14:47 CEST 2008

Riccardo Veraldi wrote:
> Hello,
> I used wireshark to sniff communication between my radisu server and
> the user-password attribute is encrypted  
> 0000   3e ca 2d b0 97 2b b3 f9 0c e9 fc e7 e0 ed e9 fd
> to test if this is strong enough I wanted to ask if there is a way to 
> decrypt
> this user-password attribute since my radisu server is doign proxy to 
> other radius server.
> actually my radius server is authenticating a WiFi captive portal
> and is prosying requests upon username at domainname
> user attributes are stripped from domain and sent to proper radius server
> my question is  how much is risky to have user-passsword attribute 
> travellign across
> the network ? is the encryption applyed to the user-password strong 
> enough ?

Some analysis in the document cited below, I can't comment on the 
quality of the analysis or it's conclusions, perhaps others might.

An Analysis of the RADIUS Authentication Protocol

John Dennis <jdennis at redhat.com>

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