dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

Arran Cudbard-Bell A.Cudbard-Bell at
Tue Apr 29 18:50:14 CEST 2008

Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
> Hi,
> Having some interesting issues with a HP ProCurve 2510 an Apple Mac 
> Power Book running OSX 10.5.2, and MAC-Auth + EAP-Auth on the same 
> wired port.
> I know this isn't strictly the list for this as this isn't really 
> RADIUS, but i'm not sure where to post...
> Two questions:
>    IEE802.1x-2004
>        8.1.3 EAPOL-Logoff
>        When a Supplicant wishes the Authenticator PAE to perform a 
> logoff (i.e., to set the controlled Port state to
>        unauthorized), the Supplicant PAE originates an EAPOL-Logoff 
> message (see 7.5.4) to the Authenticator
>        PAE. As a result, the Authenticator PAE immediately places the 
> controlled Port in the unauthorized state
> 1) It appears in the spec that there is no requirement or indeed 
> method of the Supplicant PAE of confirming that the EAPOL-Logoff has 
> been honoured. So the supplicant PAE could be in the unauthorised 
> state while the Authenticator could be in the authorised state. Is 
> this an over site of the dot1x spec, or is this meant to be handled at 
> a higher level with EAP ?
Sorry. Looking at the diagrams in 8-5 it appears my suspicion is 
correct. Unless a re-auth timer is implemented by the Authenticator PAE, 
this mismatched authentication state could persist indefinitely.

The EAPOL-LOGOFF frame is *not* retransmitted to the Authentication 
server... and the Authenticator PAE does not respond to EAPOL-LOGOFF 
frames, it just alters it's state. So if the EAPOL-LOGOFF frame was lost 
in transit... damn, why no EAPOL-LOGOFF-CONFIRMATION packet ... In every 
other part of the EAP/dot1x spec a request *should* always be answered 
by a response... but not here... are these guys idiots, or am I being 
dense ?!

See this would solve the issue in question 2 perfectly.

Arran Cudbard-Bell (A.Cudbard-Bell at
Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting Officer
Infrastructure Services | ENG1 E1-1-08 
University Of Sussex, Brighton
EXT:01273 873900 | INT: 3900

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