FreeRadius, MySQL, MAC Authentication w/ Dynamic VLAN

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Aug 14 10:35:26 CEST 2008

James Taylor wrote:
> I am currently tasked with a new project where I have been asked to move
> our currently working ‘users’ file into a manageable MySQL DB (we have
> over 500 user entries so it’s understandable). Below you will find a
> currently working entry from the ‘users’ file.
> /Mac-addresss/ Auth-Type := local, User-Password == "/password/"

  Don't set Auth-Type.  Use:

Mac-address	Cleartext-Password := "password"

>         Calling-Station-ID == "/mac-address/",

  You should use '=', not '==' here.

> As you can tell this is a wireless user and of course I have the
> dictionary attributes added (like I said it is currently a working users
> file) but my question is how to take this information and add it to the
> MySQL radius.radcheck database?  From what I am seeing the ID is a
> primary key and must be unique and there is only one attribute field.  I
> may be asking this incorrectly but, does the DB read the rows starting
> with the ID 1 being the first user and continue down until the next user
> entry and return all the rows into Radius for authentication?  

  It looks for matching entries.  See doc/rlm_sql.

  Alan DeKok.

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