Freeradius in an AD environment on opensuse server

Alan DeKok aland at
Sat Aug 16 11:05:03 CEST 2008

Maurizio Cimaschi wrote:
> Alan DeKok wrote:
>>   The *client* has to supply the MS-CHAP magic using the LAN-manager
>> password.  Since the client always chooses NT-hashed passwords... using
>> LAN manager passwords is not possible.
> From the README is src/modules/rlm_mschap
> So it seems more a limit of the server.

  No.  The server ALREADY can use LM passwords to authenticate users, IF
one is supplied, AND the client supplies the LM fields of the MS-CHAP
response.  Go read the source code to rlm_mschap.c

> Could it be possible to see in the debug if the two encrypted pwd are
> available ? if thy're there it could be possible to write a patch and,
> possibly, to attach directly to the AD (which seems to make that LM pwd
> available).

  You don't need a patch.  You can just add the dBCSpwd to ldap.attrmap.
 But it won't help.

  Why?  Take a look at RFC 2548, and compare MS-CHAP v*1* to MS-CHAP
v*2*.  There's no LM-Password fields on MS-CHAPv2.  And PEAP uses
EAP-MSCHAPv2, not v1.  Newer versions of Windows also do MS-CHAPv2, not v1.

  So... the dBCSpwd field will only help if the client is doing
MS-CHAPv1.  Which means PPP.  Sometimes.  For very old versions of Windows.

  Nice, but not very helpful.

  Alan DeKok.

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