compiling freeradius with oracle support

Alexandre Chapellon alexandre.chapellon at
Sat Aug 30 00:06:28 CEST 2008

Alan DeKok a écrit :
> Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>> Oh my! Do you know what thoose commands are, or where i can find them.?
>   Err.. "man ld"?  Watch the output of running "make", and see what
> commands it runs, then try variants of those?
OK. At last I got it! but how painfull it has been!!!!

In fact i had to set RLM_SQL_LIBS to -L/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/
-lclntsh -lm
in the Makefile of rlm_sql_oracle (which is done by configure script
when it works).

and create a missing symlink in the oracle instantclient:

Then you can run make.

the problem is, when you use wrapper as dpkg-buildpackage you can't run
configure first, change one Makefileand then make.... so at the moment
building without oracle support and have a tar.gz containing oracle
module (compiled afterwards) seems the only soutions.... it's a bit
tricky but works and is still helpfull for massive deployement.

>   Alan DeKok.
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