Freeradius 2.1.1 - locked processes

George Chelidze wrath at
Mon Dec 1 07:35:40 CET 2008


I have recently install freeradius 2.1.1 on our old RHEL (Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 2), libc-2.3.4) server 
which already runs multiple radiator instances. The last time I started 
freeradius was Friday. Since then there are 66 freeradius processes, 
among them 65 are locked:

# strace -p 7833
Process 7833 attached - interrupt to quit
futex(0x263ecc, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL

I have googled the issue and investigated the gdb backtrace, however the 
only idea I have right now is to upgrade a system to more recent one (I 
know, running outdated system is stupid idea, however why we still run 
it is a long story). As it's not an easy task, I'd like to be sure that 
the reason is old libraries or stuff like that. I have attached a gdb 
backtrace, ldd output, freeradius configuration. I am ready to debug a 
system further and provide more information, if this isn't enough. Any 
help is appreciated.

Thanks in advace

George Chelidze
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