Is FreeRADIUS 2.1.1 capable of handling NAI decorations

Luca Adamo lucamerica at
Tue Dec 2 16:01:31 CET 2008


I've been working and (also a little bit deploying) with FreeRADIUS  
2.1.1 for a while and everything has been smooth enough.

Today for  the first time I step into a problem with the handling of  
NAI sent by the client through the NAS. The problem consists in the  
prensence of a WiMAX decoration inside the NAI. As stated by WiMAX  
Forum 1.2 Stage 3 a NAI can be composed by a Username, a realm and an  
optional part known as WiMAX decoration. To be more precise a valid  
NAI, according to WF is the following:      {attribute=11}username at realm

FreeRADIUS 2.1.1 seems to be unable to process the NAI decoration so  
the username is passed unaltered to the modules and of course there're  
a lot of problems arising for the presence of the curly braces and the  
equal sing inside the User-Name. If I hack the safe character list of  
Oracle (the database I chose to store user credentials and profiles)  
adding both the curly braces and the equal sign everything work fine  
but IMHO is not the solution. I tried also to use the attr_rewrite  
module trying to remove the unwanted prefix from the User-Name  
attrribute but this obviously breaks EAP (as Alan also has stated in a  
mail discussion I red on the Internet).

Sorry if I've been too prolix, at the end my question is the one of  
the subject..."Is FreeRADIUS 2.1.1 capable of handling NAI decorations  
according to WiMaX Forum 1.2 St. 3?" And if not, can I have some  
suggestion on which one can be the starting point for the development  
of such functionality?

Thank you for the cooperation,

Luca Adamo
LaRT - University of Florence

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