FreeRADIUS Proxy Problem

Eric Van Tol eric at
Thu Dec 11 19:04:26 CET 2008

Hi all,
I've got a really frustrating problem with FreeRADIUS trying to proxy to a Microsoft IAS.  I'm using FR 1.0.1 (I know, it's old).  The problem is that I have proxying configured, but I keep getting Access-Reject back from the IAS.  The IAS says that I used an unknown username or password, but I know that the username and password is correct.  I know this because I have a test FR box with the same config and same version (1.0.1) that works fine.

I assume that the User-Password is not being passed on properly, but I can't imagine why.  I looked into the PAP authentication config and both the working test box and the non-working production box are configured to use 'crypt'.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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