Best way of adding custom authentication procedure to Freeradius that works in Windows/Linux platforms?

Joshua Lim joshua__lim at
Fri Dec 12 21:02:11 CET 2008

One silly question.

If i'm using cygwin version of, and i wish to create a custom module, do i need to recompile Radiusd with cygwin (i would like to avoid that as far as possible)?  Or can i just simply compile my newly created module with cygwin?

I read this but still can't figure out -

Appreciate again.  :)

From: joshua__lim at
To: freeradius-users at
Subject: RE: Best way of adding custom authentication procedure to	Freeradius	that works in Windows/Linux platforms?
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 16:10:16 +0000

Joshua Lim wrote:
 > A little info on the custom authentication procedure:
> 1. I need to provide a doubl! e-factor authentication to my users.
> 2. The first level will be a simple challenge and password (i reckon
> that this can be done using File or MySQL).
> 3. Upon successful first authentication, the user is not given
> access-accept, instead, he needs to enter a second password (this is the
> OTP).  The OTP must be generated by the custom script/module by
> accessing some external database - this is done immediately after the
> first authentication has been successfully completed.
  You will need a custom module to do this.
  Alan DeKok.

>>> Thanks.  :)

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