WISPr-Bandwidth question

kevin rat at yia.ca
Wed Dec 17 22:08:17 CET 2008

Thanks, Leigh...

Yes, that does make more sense.  How you explained it.

So basically, I would need to put a NAC (network access controller) at
each remote location.  BUT...  I wouldn't necessarily have to put a
"traditional" captive portal at each location, even though they would
probably provide pretty much the same features.



On Wed, 2008-12-17 at 12:49 -0500, Leigh Martell wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> I can't answer definitively, but I would assume that it would be done
> on your NAS(depending on your hardware these rules "could" be
> propagated to the child devices). It would defy all logic for it to be
> done on the clie nt, Just as you would in an unauthenticated
> wired/wireless network it is always best to control traffic at the
> distribution point.
> Hope that helps.
> Take Care,
> Leigh Martell
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 12:14 PM, kevin <rat at yia.ca> wrote:
>         While an "out of the box" solution is where I'll probably end
>         up, I'm
>         battling with myself over the idea of how to best manage
>         bandwidth on a
>         network including multiple remote locations, with both wired
>         and
>         wireless connections.
>         I'm moving to using freeradius to authenticate (which
>         ultimately will be
>         done by MAC for initial ease of setup) but I'm trying to
>         figure out
>         where the Bandwidth attributes actually are used.
>         IOW, when using WISPr-Bandwidth, does that modify the client
>         connection
>         at the client computer or does that occur at a proxy or
>         firewall device?
>         What I'm getting at is, is a captive portal necessary or can a
>         person
>         simply have client authentication via freeradius and the
>         client network
>         card handle managing its own bandwidth?  And if so, is there
>         any
>         possibility that the client computer could be modified by
>         someone with a
>         bit of skill to bypass those controls?
>         Hope that made sense.
>         Cheers,
>         Kevin
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