Help Regarding SQL Counter

pushpraj nimbalkar pushpraj4u at
Fri Dec 19 12:50:51 CET 2008

Thanks for reply,

  I am using linksys WRT54GL router with DD-WRT and Chillispot.
SQLCounter works only when radacct tables contains accounting
information of logging user.

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Padam J Singh <padam.singh at> wrote:
> The NAS has to implement session disconnection after the requisite time/byte limit.
> What NAS are you using?
> Padam
> pushpraj nimbalkar wrote:
> Hello All;
>   I just installed freeradius on fedora 10. freeradius version is "freeradius-2.1.1-2.fc10.i386" i also installed radius mysql packages. After basic set up I configured radius with mysql. All thing are working fine but i am not able to resolve sqlcounter issue.  I have defined counters in counter.conf file and included those counters in /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default file. When i create user with 30 minutes session time(Max-All-Session). Then user should be able to login only for 30 minutes. But what is happening is when user connects he can be online as much time as he can. That 30 mintutes counter dosent wotks. But when same user first logins for 5 minutes and logs off and again logins then counter works perfectly means user can be online only for remaining time i.e. for 25 minutes. So i think sqlcounter works only when there is accounting records for loging user inside radacct table but when user first time logins then there will not be any records inside  radacct table. Same thing happening with octate account.
> Please Help.
> Thanks,
> Pushpraj N.
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