freeradius on ubuntu 8.04

John Hottel hottel at
Wed Dec 31 14:52:18 CET 2008

I have recently built a new freeradius server. I built an old one a few years ago that has served me very well.
I am not sure of the freeradius version on my new server, as i installed it using the apt-get process. The server is working great for the most part, but i am having a weird problem. I am using freeradius to do a radius to ldap conversion. We have Novell Edir 8.7.3 running ldap servers. My old freeradius box is running suse 7.2 and freeradius .0.9.3. It is attaching to the same ldap server and i have no issues with it.
My issue is the first ldap connection works great. The first time. I then see a message on the server saying:
"Nothing to do. Sleeping until we see a request." 
If i happen to make a login attempt within 15 seconds of that coming up, i see:
"---Walking the entire request list---
Waking up in 1 seconds...
sending Access-Reject
waking up in 4 seconds... "
When i try again, it works.
Any ideas what this could be? If you need more info as to my version of freeradius, i will be more then happy to supply the info, if you tell me how to retrieve it :)
Thanks for your help!
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