copy acct to home server
Alexandre Chapellon
alexandre.chapellon at
Thu Feb 14 19:01:21 CET 2008
Hello, I want to use freeradius 2.0.1 to do
accouting for my DSL users.
I would like to acheive the following setup:
NASes send request to the first radius (SunOS
radius) which only handles authentication request
and proxies accouting request to Freeradius
(v2.0.1). I'd like freeradius to do several things:
1 - Do accounting to a mysql database
2 - Send accounting responses to the first radius
3 - proxy/copy accouting data to severals home
server (3 servers: 1 billing server and 2 content
filtering servers)
To do this I setup freeradius 2.0.1 with 1 default
virtual server writing accouting to mysql and to a
detail file and one other virtual server which
listen the detail file ( listen { type = detail....}
) and proxies request
The problem is that the proxying is done for one
request and stops when the response has been
received.... so others request that are in the
detail file are not proxied!
does anybody have an idea / use this kind of setup?
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