dynamic tagged and untagged vlan assignment

Stieven.Struyf at komatsu.eu Stieven.Struyf at komatsu.eu
Wed Feb 20 10:46:24 CET 2008

Currently i use this configuration to assign clients an ip after 
successfull authentication (mac authentication):
user User-Password == "password"
 Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
 Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
 Tunnel-Private-Group-id = "20"

This works, but now we are deploying a cisco iptel solution.
The phones need to be in a tagged vlan instead of an untagged. 
Can i make this distinction based on radius attributes?

Stieven Struyf
M.I.S. Division - System Operations 
Komatsu Europe International NV
Mechelsesteenweg 586
B-1800 Vilvoorde
Stieven.Struyf at komatsu.eu
Tel. +32 (0)2 2552551

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