Configuring LDAP for query ONLY...

Nicholas Hall ngharo at
Fri Jan 4 18:31:54 CET 2008

On Jan 4, 2008 9:54 AM, Eric Martell <workoutexcite at> wrote:

> Hi Ivan,
>  Actually in the implementation we are going to treat
> on the website zipcode as a password field. we are
> asking people to enter username and zipcode which is
> store in the LDAP Schema.
> In the radius, I am going to receive username
> (User-Name) and zipcode ( User-Password). In the ldap
> module do query
> filter =
> "(&(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})(entitlements=WIFILOC1)(zipcode=%{User-Password}))"
> and depends on the resultset, give access or reject.
> Please let me know if this clear and any other better
> way to handle this in radius.

Couldn't you just map zipcode to the password attribute in ldap.attrmap:

checkItem Cleartext-Password  zipcode

you could then exclude the zipcode condition from your ldap filter as
FreeRADIUS should do the work.
Nicholas Hall
ngharo at
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